Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - February 2017

Lilac branches and amaryllis

February is living up to it's dark and stormy reputation today, so I have no new outdoor pictures and even my indoor pictures are dark. But the hellebores, wintersweet and pieris japonica continue to bloom cheerfully, see pictures from earlier in the month. They look just the same now!

Which is a little surprising because in the meantime, we had a snowstorm last week, 8 inches of wet heavy snow. Luckily we didn't lose any branches but one large tree in the neighborhood came down and there were a lot of broken branches in yards and parks.

Chimonanthus, wintersweet

Helleborus 'Cinnamon Snow'

Last year was much warmer, with crocuses blooming already and one very early flowering currant bloom. I planted a lot more bulbs in the fall and they're coming up, but nowhere near ready to bloom yet.

Various bulbs and aquilegia this week

Indoors is more cheerful, with one amaryllis about to open and a vase of lilac branches looking like they will bloom. The lilacs are leftover from much needed pruning last week (just before the snow), and I wasn't sure if they would bloom indoors but now I'm hopeful.

Lilac branches and amaryllis

My forced hyacinths are all doing well except the one on the right may not bloom - it's not growing roots. Notice the wintersweet out the window, and tulips from the grocery store!

Thanks as always to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for hosting the monthly Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!


  1. Thanks for joining in for bloom day!

  2. I planted more bulbs last fall, Daffs and snowdrops, but so far there is no sign of foliage from them. It's so disheartening seeing them on so many other blogs. I hope I'm not far behind you.

    1. I hope your bulbs start to sprout up soon! I've been worried about some of mine but in the last couple of days I've found signs of most of them.
