Monday, February 15, 2016

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - February 2016

The very first flowering currant bloom for 2016

Thanks to Carol at May Dreams Garden for hosting the monthly Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. I always like to check out what else is in bloom around the world!

Finally, my flowering currant bushes are starting to bloom! This is my favorite native bush, I remember walking home from school as a kid and seeing it bloom along our driveway, just at the edge of the woods. It seems like they bloomed earlier last year, but last winter was quite warm here, so this is probably typical.

Flowering currant, almost blooming

The Oregon grape bushes are almost blooming, but haven't progressed much in the last two weeks. I think they fool me every year!

Oregon grape

My forsythia is so close, but not quite blooming. Those are blooms on the lily-of-the-valley shrub behind it though.


Something likes to eat my crocuses, and the one that was blooming was gone the next day. Daffodils grow bigger every day, and I have a lot of varieties, but none are quite in bloom yet. Spring is coming, but not in a huge hurry!

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