Friday, December 30, 2016

Planting a meadow and native bushes

Snow! - in early December

This is a catch up post, one last update from the year. Remember my solarization project? I'm not sure we had the best summer for it this year, 2015 would have been better as it was much hotter. Nonetheless, I proceeded with removing the plastic in mid-September then waited a few weeks to see what would grow, and used very selective application of Roundup on a few weeds that tried to grow. There weren't very many weeds, more in the back corner than the front section, but there was some grass trying to grow which is concerning.

At the end of September, I spread a very thin layer of mulch and planted a mix of native wildflowers and grasses in the front section. Carefully, so as to not disturb the soil underneath and stir up seeds that may not have been killed by solarization. I did the same in the back corner in early October, after I planted the shore pines (more about that below). Both areas had seeds sprouting almost immediately, which may be good or may be bad if they don't survive the winter.

Front section, after planting

Along the edges of the front section, I planted a few native bulbs:
  • brodiaea coronaria
  • camassia leichtlinii
  • camassia quamash

I also planted a wildflower only seed mix in a small section of the middle, over the non-native bulbs that are already there. This area didn't have plastic on it this summer, but it had cardboard for a couple of months. I suspect that won't be enough to kill the grass and weeds, but I didn't want to do anything more that might kill the bulbs.

Then I went native plant shopping in early October and picked up a bunch of plants. I planted native bushes around the bottom edge of the front meadow and across the middle. I'm trying to soften the green wall of arborvitae, and connect with the flowering currant on the south end of the hillside.
  • 2 vaccinium ovatum, evergreen huckleberry
  • 2 oemleria cerasiformis, Indian plum or osoberry
  • 1 holodiscus discolor, oceanspray
  • 3 spiraea densiflora, subalpine spirea
  • 3 symphoricarpos albus, snowberry
  • 2 vaccinum parvifolium, red huckleberry
  • 1 rhododendron occidentale, western azalea

Native bushes, early October

More native bushes, early October
Looking north from the middle, early October

In the back corner, I planted two pinus contora (shore pine). They are too close to some of the hazelnuts, but I'll move those once I figure out where I want them.

After planting the shore pines

And, on the bottom edge of the sunny hillside, where they will blend into the meadow:
  • 3 festeca roemeri, Roemer's fescue
  • 3 viola adunca, early-blue violet

I already had a few camassia and blue eyed grass at the bottom of the hillside too. I need more plants there, but that'll wait until spring.

Now the waiting game! I'm definitely worried about how many weeds will be in the meadow, since I can see shotweed growing now plus California poppies spread from the hillside above, but need to wait and see what happens in the spring. The only chore still to do in the winter is haul more mulch to put around the bushes. But the area has certainly changed a lot since last spring!

May 26 vs. December 30

Back corner, today
Looking north from the back corner, today

Friday, December 16, 2016

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - December 2016

Camellia 'Yuletide'
Our long fall is finally over with freezing temperatures at night for most of the last two weeks and a dash of snow. 

There are still a few fall blooms hanging on in my front yard, but looking tattered now. 

Creeping thyme

Hollyhocks, I doubt these buds will open all the way

A few lingering rose buds

Also a few last annuals in the hanging pots, now sitting on the back patio. 

I have just a few winter blooming plants, looking for ideas for more!


Chimonanthus aka wintersweet
Camellia 'Yuletide', planted in September

'Tis the season for indoor plants. It was getting dark by the time I took these pictures. 

Spider plant has been blooming most of the year

Paperwhites in the kitchen window
African violet

Also indoors - I have to show off this bearded iris from last week, it is a 'Hemstitched' that I just planted in August. I noticed that it was trying to bloom early this month and cut it before the frost. Two of the buds opened indoors and it is as lovely (and scented) as I had hoped. 

Thanks to Carol at May Dreams Garden for hosting the monthly roundup of Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. It's nice to check out flowers from around the world in the dark of winter!

Friday, December 9, 2016

First snow!

Pieris japonica

First snow of the year! First snow in almost three years, I think. We had a dusting of heavy wet snow on Monday and then more last night. Most of these pictures are from Monday because snow turned to rain before dawn today and was melting when I got up.

I love seeing snow in my garden, but I am a little worried about how new plants will handle the winter. I planted so much new this year, and the last two winters were very mild. The forecast for next week looks colder so I'm thinking about covering my new camellias and hot lips salvia.

Dragon's hoard
English daisy wants to sprout
Lace leaf lavender
Globe in the rose garden
Rose garden

Succulents hidden under the melting snow

Broken ball and bee balm stalks

Hot lips salvia - I hope it survives the winter!

Hot lips salvia

Color gradient on the last grape leaves

More grape leaves - picture on Monday, gone by Thursday

Friday, December 2, 2016

In bloom this week: Dec. 2, 2016

Hot lips salvia

I wonder if this is the latest we've ever been without any frost at all. That is soon to end, with low temperatures expected to drop into the 20s next week. I need to go wrap up my garden hoses and add mulch around some perennials. In the meantime, here are the last of my fall flowers.

Fern (I keep calling it lace) leaf lavender

One of a few roses still going

Creeping bellflower


Vinca minor

Last hardy fuschia blooms are hanging on

Hollyhocks - little change from a month ago!

Hot lips salvia keeps going and going

Last zinnias on the front sidewalk

Fading zinnias
One flower that isn't going to make it before the freeze - a bearded iris that I just planted in August. I may go cut it tomorrow and see if I can get it to bloom in a vase.