Saturday, July 2, 2016

In bloom this week: July 2, 2016

Lupine and delphinium 
Where did June go?? Writing about what's in bloom each week is a daunting task when it seems like my whole yard is in bloom, so I've decided to look at one or two areas at a time. The good news is that I am keeping up on weeding and watering pretty well. But I'm looking forward to the perennials that I've planted this year growing big enough to shade out the weeds.

I've ventured into planting in pots for the first time in many years, just a few annuals near the house. When we get a new shed, I want to grow clematis in the big square pots (I have two of them), but annuals are good for now. Finally got the hanging baskets up this week, they're still pretty small.

I've mentioned that my vegetable garden is being taken over by flowers.

Vegetable garden, from above


Onion, gone to seed

The vegetables are growing nicely this year too, they don't seem to mind the cooler weather (at least cooler compared to last year!) and I've still been watering every day.

Pickling cucumbers
Pepper and a late bush bean, most of the bush beans are almost ready to pick
Volunteer tomatoes, came up from seed from last year
That's enough for today, I could keep going forever and I then I wouldn't get this posted. What's blooming in your yard this week?

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