Friday, December 2, 2016

In bloom this week: Dec. 2, 2016

Hot lips salvia

I wonder if this is the latest we've ever been without any frost at all. That is soon to end, with low temperatures expected to drop into the 20s next week. I need to go wrap up my garden hoses and add mulch around some perennials. In the meantime, here are the last of my fall flowers.

Fern (I keep calling it lace) leaf lavender

One of a few roses still going

Creeping bellflower


Vinca minor

Last hardy fuschia blooms are hanging on

Hollyhocks - little change from a month ago!

Hot lips salvia keeps going and going

Last zinnias on the front sidewalk

Fading zinnias
One flower that isn't going to make it before the freeze - a bearded iris that I just planted in August. I may go cut it tomorrow and see if I can get it to bloom in a vase.


  1. Wow! You still have quite a few flowers hanging on. This is the latest I can remember going without a frost since we moved here 8 years ago. I hope your Iris opens after you cut it.

  2. That's quite a few blooms you still have there!
