Thursday, March 15, 2018

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - March 2018


Happy Ides of March! After record warm temperatures on Monday, it's definitely feeling like spring. A lot of winter blooms are still going strong, but spring is ready to shine. I seem to acquire a lot of blue and purple flowering plants, and this week the bulbs have been really glowing in the sunshine (and not phased by the rain either).

Thanks to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for hosting this monthly roundup of blooms. There are plants blooming somewhere every month but now they're really taking off.... at least in the northern hemisphere. 

Crocuses are starting to fade
Grape hyacinth popped out suddenly
Newly planted corydalis
Rock cress just starting to bloom
Helleborus x hybridus 'Black Diamond'
Helleborus x ballardiae Gold Collection 'Maestro'
Fading camellia 'Yuletide'
Fritillaria meleagris
Newly planted Saxifraga 'Touran - Deep Red'
Sunset maple
Cyclamen coum
Sunny daffodils

Forsythia in front of pieris japonica
One of my baby osoberry bushes has a bloom!

Indoors, one amaryllis is blooming for the second time this year. Also my Christmas cactus has had a few blooms at a time since January but I keep forgetting to get a picture. 

What's next? Flowering currant and Oregon grape are so close, plus a lot more daffodils.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

In bloom this week: March 7, 2018


We're in that transition time when it feels so close to spring but winter is not giving up. Hellebores and cyclamen are still merrily blooming and daffodils and other spring bulbs are starting. I'm really noticing how much more is in bloom than previous years, all that planting is paying off. Of course there are always more plants to drool over....

Winter blooms, by my arbitrary definition - all have been blooming at least since January:

Helleborus 'Cinnamon Snow'
Helleborus 'Pink Frost'
Helleborus x hybridus 'Black Diamond'
I think this is Helleborus x ballardiae Gold Collection 'Maestro'
Camellia 'Yuletide'
Lingering snowdrops
Cyclamen coum

And spring - yes, I do only plant purple crocuses:

Newly planted Saxifraga 'Touran - Deep Red'
Newly planted daisy, bellis perennis 'Tasso Red'

What's next? Very early species tulips and a couple of my favorite native bushes, Oregon grape and flowering currant (which I can't seem to get a good photo of this year). And a lot more spring bulbs!

Species tulips
Oregon grape