Friday, December 9, 2016

First snow!

Pieris japonica

First snow of the year! First snow in almost three years, I think. We had a dusting of heavy wet snow on Monday and then more last night. Most of these pictures are from Monday because snow turned to rain before dawn today and was melting when I got up.

I love seeing snow in my garden, but I am a little worried about how new plants will handle the winter. I planted so much new this year, and the last two winters were very mild. The forecast for next week looks colder so I'm thinking about covering my new camellias and hot lips salvia.

Dragon's hoard
English daisy wants to sprout
Lace leaf lavender
Globe in the rose garden
Rose garden

Succulents hidden under the melting snow

Broken ball and bee balm stalks

Hot lips salvia - I hope it survives the winter!

Hot lips salvia

Color gradient on the last grape leaves

More grape leaves - picture on Monday, gone by Thursday


  1. My Hot Lips Salvia has survived for several years now, so keep your hopes up. I'm pleased the snow wasn't worse, I'm not a fan of it. I lived for 55+ years in Massachusetts, so I got more than my fill.

    1. Good to know your hot lips salvia has survived! I've read that they're somewhat marginal here, but I'm hoping. I love the snow, but have never lived anywhere with regular snow.
