Saturday, April 15, 2017

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - April 2017

Flowering currant

I don't know where the first half of April went and now I feel behind on so many things in the garden. But I take solice in the fact that I see something new in bloom every time I go outside.

My favorite natives showing off:

Flowering currant

Oregon grape
Oregon grape

Bulbs! I planted more tulips this year and it's still not enough:

Grape hyacinth
Fritillaria meleagris

Some of the other flowers around the yard:

Asian pear
Sea thrift
Rock cress, newly planted
Forget me not
Creeping phlox
Vinca minor, carefully controlled in one area
First strawberry blooms

Hellebores win the prize for longest bloom, these have been going since December.

Blooming inside:

My grandmother's Christmas cactus
African violets - three of my four are blooming, but hard to get good pictures

Thanks to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for hosting the monthly Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day! Even when my garden is keeping me busy with spring chores, it's still fun to see what's going on in gardens around the world. 

What's next? Blueberries, lilacs, aquilegia and a rhubarb stalk that will probably be cut down before it blooms.

1 comment:

  1. I find you can never plant enough bulbs. Each year I normally plant about 1000 and right now it is peak tulip time
