Friday, August 16, 2019

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - August 2019


This has been the best summer in years, some warm days but also some cool cloudy days, and even a little rain. I'm enjoying watering less and enjoying being outside more! August has been particularly nice, it's cool enough at night and a hint that fall (my favorite season) is coming.

Thanks to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for the monthly view of blooms around the world.

This semi-shady border might be my favorite right now:

Hydrangea paniculata
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Star Gazer'
Anemone 'Pocahontas'
Fuchsia 'Genii'
Fuchsia 'Genii'
Primrose isn't giving up.. weeds aren't either

Up to the front slope, all new since early last year:

Asters just starting to bloom
Bent over fireweed mingling with fuchsia, asters and echinacea
Agastache, I think this is Blue Boa
Dwarf plumbago
Cleome and pink coreopsis

The rose garden is best in June, but lots of flowers reblooming now:

Catmint is reblooming
Along the sidewalk: zinnia grown from seed
More zinnias

The other semi-shady border (I have big plans to add more hydrangeas here):

Hydrangea 'Ayesha' - new this year so it's pink from the potting soil; should be blue next year
Fuchsia 'Delta's Sara'
Fuchsia 'Delta's Sara'

Down in the hot retaining wall:

Kniphofia reblooming
The very last of the crocosmia

Back up to the little flower garden next to the patio, I look at these every day!

Volunteer cosmos
New penstemon
Ornamental oregano, probably 'Kent Beauty'
Salvia 'Hot Lips' - taking over!