Sunday, April 14, 2019

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - April 2019

Flowering currant

Spring got off to a late start here in the pacific northwest, but now it's progressing as usual - rain, some wind, warm days, cold days, and something new in bloom every time I go outside.

Thanks to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for her monthly roundup of blooms. I'm a day early because I'm travelling for work this week, but determined to not miss this month!

Wood sorrel
Wild strawberries
Flowering currant
Bleeding hearts
Anemone coronaria
Daffodils are fading but still nice
Maybe my favorite daffodil
Rock cress, mostly grown from seed
Lewisia bloomed all winter, through the snow and cold

I didn't remember all of these tulips! They don't last for years like daffodils, have to keep planting more.

Tulip 'Angelique'

What's next? Lilacs and camas! And peony buds this early?!