Saturday, November 3, 2018

Fall glory

The colors have been wonderful this fall, seems like the views have gotten better every day, but now we've had some wind and more is coming. Here's a few pictures before the leaves all blow away.

Acer rubrum 'Franksred' 
This is the second fall for my Acer rubrum 'Franksred'
Nasturtiums are still blooming
Penstemon in the flower garden
A second batch of cosmos came up from seed on their own
My favorite fuchsias are reblooming again
More fuchsias
Grape leaves are mostly blown away now
Same with the blueberries
Yarrow all around the yard
Daisies and variegated red twig dogwood
Baby smoke bush, cotinus 'Grace'
Astrantia reblooming
The red corner: maple, heucheras, dwarf plumbago and azalea
Witch hazel, hamamelis 'Diane'
Lilacs from the front porch
Greeting visitors on the front porch