Saturday, June 16, 2018

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - June, 2018

In the rose garden

June is the month when I start to take fewer garden photos. Maybe there's so much in bloom that I'm overwhelmed, or maybe I'm finally done with the frenzy of spring flowers. I think gardeners in this climate are excited about anything and everything in the spring, then we get pickier in the summer. But of course the garden continues to grow and bloom regardless of whether I take photos.

Thanks to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for hosting the monthly roundup of blooms.

June is definitely the month for roses, and their companions:

Lavender, roses and catmint
Catmint, roses and white lavender at the bottom

Elsewhere around the yard:

Last of the aquilegia - for now, they'll probably re-bloom
Delphiniums and hot lips salvia
Petunias in the flower garden
First dahlias
Clematis on the shed
Fuchsia 'Genii'
New cape fuchsia
On the (mostly) native slope: seaside daisies, thrift and harebell
Penstemon and hot lips salvia
Poppies growing in my weed pile
Coreopsis, a shockingly yellow color for my garden

There are so many plants getting ready to bloom, but I'm excited about the daylilies: