Monday, April 30, 2018

In bloom this week: April 30, 2018


Spring is here, the lilacs are finally blooming! I expect they'll fade quickly though after warm weather last week, then rain, and now more sunshine coming. Ah well, I think there are enough other flowers to console me. 

Lilacs in the rain
Bleeding hearts filling in nicely along with other native groundcover
Limanthes douglasii, Meadow Foam, just starting to bloom
Apple blossoms
Tulips, I'm pretty sure these were all supposed to be the same
Aquilegia, planted from seed 2 years ago
Creeping phlox
More aquilegia planted from seed

Coming soon: more camassia, lupine, many bearded irises, and I'm very excited that all three of my peonies have buds.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - April 2018

Bleeding heart and flowering currant

We've had more than the average rainfall for the whole month of April so far this month, and it seems like plants are behind in growing and blooming. But I checked last year and it was pretty similar - and there's actually a lot in bloom, especially since I've been adding bulbs every year. Tulips and crocuses fade away after a few years, or get eaten by the squirrels, but daffodils multiple nicely and I'm experimenting with the lesser known bulbs.

Thanks to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for hosting the monthly roundup of blooms.

I especially love how many native plants are growing and blooming!

Bleeding heart and flowering currant

Bear grass!
Flowering currant

The non-natives are pretty too!

Grape hyacinth, transplanted twice while in bloom
Vinca minor - a bit invasive but I keep this patch under control
Creeping phlox
Daffodils are hanging on
Rock cress
Tulips dug up for construction, waiting to be replanted

Inside, my African violets are back in bloom, and Christmas cactus has a last few blooms.

What's next? Lilacs, camassia, apples and so much more - spring is here!

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

New front hillside


One big job for the year done! Or rather, the contractors are done and now I have a lot of work ahead - but it's the fun work of planning and planting. We had them pull out the old rotting railroad ties in our front yard and across the back slope. In the back slope, they were replaced by a rock wall, more about that later. The front was re-graded to a more natural shape.

Here was the slope in the front yard one week ago:

Looking southwest
Back the other way, north-northeast
East from the street

A couple of hours with a large excavator later and I really love the shape of the slope. 

Looking southwest
Looking north-northeast

The front lawn took a lot of damage, and while I'm not fond of having any lawn, I'm not ready to tackle more landscaping. So that will go back to being lawn, but I'm planting a mix that contains clover and should stay green more in the summer. 

West from the street

The dirt here has a lot of clay and was already very slippery, so I spent part of the weekend moving the rest of my pile of wood chips. That'll keep the weeds down and I can safely walk on the slope to decide where the path(s) go. 

Looking southwest

Looking north-northeast

Now I'm trying to be smart and plan where trees and bushes will go first, but a few plants that were dug up to keep out of the way needed to be planted. Plus the occasionally nursery purchase from the last couple of months have to go somewhere!

Forget-me-nots and other groundcover under the maple
Forget-me-nots along the bottom of the slope
Forget-me-nots, grown from seed last year so I'm glad I was able to salvage them
Grape hyacinth also returned to near where it was originally planted