Sunday, November 19, 2017

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - November 2017

Fuchsia 'Genii'
This is a little late for the middle of the month, but I was away on the 15th. Thanks to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for hosting this monthly roundup of blooms.

The flowers and leaves are all holding on this year, despite windy weather last week. We've had a little frost and a little slushy snow already in November, but no solid freeze yet.

Salvia 'hot lips'
Hollyhocks, all fallen over but still blooming
Reblooming rock cress
Last strawberries
Peony leaves

What's next? Camellias!

Camellia 'Yuletide'
Camellia 'Winter's Snowman'

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Fall or winter?

Hardy fuchsia in the snow
The seasons are confused, summer encroached on the start of fall and now winter wants to move in early. We had slushy snow on Friday and again today, earliest snow that I remember although the weather professionals say we had snow on Halloween in 1984.

I went out while the snow/slush was still falling today to get a few pictures, knowing that it would melt quickly. I'm still enjoying the last summer blooms and the amazing colors of fall.

Peony leaves
Dragon sleeps
Hollyhocks, all fallen to the ground but still blooming
Chive in the rose garden
Rose bud
Fading rose
Gargoyle protects the rhododendrons
Last delphinium is unlikely to bloom now
Grape leaves