Saturday, August 12, 2017

In bloom this week: August 12, 2017


If I've counted right, we're at 55 days with no measurable rain, but showers are expected by morning. I've spent way too much time watering in the last month, and realistically expect to be watering well into September. Hopefully a lot of my plants won't need much water next summer, I just have so many new plants now. 

The roses are very nice right now, in their second, third, maybe even fourth bloom, depending on the plant. I need more late summer blooming plants, a lot of what I have blooming now are annuals. 

West side of rose garden

Sweet pea growing in the lawn
Annual mums
Hydrangea paniculata

Stargazer hydrangea
Mint, in an out of the way corner
First of the hollyhocks
First of the hollyhocks
Last of the clematis

Fuchsia Genii
Zinnias grown from seed
Zinnia grown from seed and volunteer pot marigolds
Nasturtiums plan to take over the world
Baby sunflower
Medium sunflower in the back
Medium sunflower
Giant sunflowers
Giant sunflowers
Cucumbers, I'm already thinking I planted too many

What's next?

Unknown sedum
Many more hollyhocks