Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - November 2016

Lace leaf lavender and rose
This last month seems to have disappeared without a trace and my yard thinks it is October, not November. You may recognize many plants from last month, they keep on blooming. We still haven't had first frost, although it could possibly come on Friday, and the late summer flowers are lingering on. I'll enjoy them as long as they last, but it has been wet and seems very dark now that daylight savings time is over, so I haven't been outside as much.

Thanks to Carol at May Dreams Garden for hosting the monthly roundup of Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. I'm glad I remembered this month, only a day late!

Still have a few lingering roses


Toppled over delphinium

Hollyhocks keep blooming and blooming


Calamint, planted from seed this year

Fuchsia Genii

Hot lips salvia shows no sign of stopping

Hot lips salvia

A taste of winter to come, Yuletide Camellia